Being the most comprehensive college in Greece in Information Studies, Network & Computer Security, the Mediterranean College (MC) hosts the facilities of the seminar Thessaloniki organized by the Faculty of Information Technology, entitled:
«Horizon app - A Greek success story in times of crisis "Tuesday, December 8th, 2015 at 18:00 to 20:00.
This event, in the form of presentation and questions and answers, aims to present the highly innovative application for mobile devices Horizon (Capture horizontally. Always), which won the top of the online store of Apple, just hours after appearing.
This is an application that gives the user the ability to record video in landscape orientation regardless of the manner in which keeps the device (horizontally, vertically or even under rotation).
Designers of implementation, co-founders of Evil Window Dog (a mobile development studio based in Thessaloniki) and speakers at the seminar are the main Petros Douvantzis and Stelios Petrakis, who will present the implementation and will interact with the audience carrying the valuable experience have accumulated during the journey from conception until today (implementation stages, problems with which they were confronted, development and promotion SDK to integrate the application into third party applications, future goals, and so on.).
The Mediterranean College, the 1o speaking Private College in Greece is the most specialized College in Information Studies, Network & Security. In cooperation with the University of Derby, offers accredited Bachelors 'and Masters' in Computer Science and Network Security.
For participation: