With great interest and active participation, the 2nd Interdisciplinary Student Conference took place on Wednesday 28th May, at the cultural center “Stoa tou Vivliou”. For a second year in a row, Mediterranean College organized the Interdisciplinary Student Conference, having as an example the International Academic Conferences, in order to present issues relevant to the contemporary trends and developments in various scientific fields.
The conference started with a warm welcome to students, coming from the Academic Director of Mediterranean College, Dr. George Papadakis, that he stressed the importance of an active participation of students in similar conferences and seminars and of the importance of the promotion of the academic work at all education levels.
Dr. George Papadakis invited to the stand the main speaker of the conference Mr. Nikos Faros, Production Manager of TedX Kalamata, senior student of the BA Business Administration of the Aegean University and Trainer & Coordinator at GloVo – Global Volunteers Platform, that referred to the importance of volunteerism and of the participation of young people to activities while being students and he shared his experiences based on his participation in voluntary projects. A presentation of the TEDxKalamata events up to now, followed and of the ‘Limits’ ΤEDxKalamata event 2014 that will take place on the 7th June at the Theatre of Ancient Messini, and we discussed about the challenges during the course towards the success of the specific project.
Many were the issues that were presented at the 2nd Interdisciplinary Student Conference.
In the first, common phase there were chosen presentations of a wider interdisciplinary interest as the presentation titles show: “Psychology of the embryo-infant and its relationship with the environment”, “The relationship between science and religion”, “The CO2 emissions and the social consequences by the function of distribution channels in basic goods”, “Religiousness and Spirituality as motivation powers and guidelines in health: A quantitative research”.
The conference continued with more exclusive presentations, where issues on Psychology- Education and Business Administration, Computing, Environment and Viability were presented. A few examples that can be mentioned are “Knowledge of teaching staff and non-teaching staff regarding autism”, “The importance of self-esteeme in the sensitivity of rejection at the interpersonal relations”, “The theatrical game and the socialization of children of age 4-6”, “Philosophical Psychotherapy”, in the section of Social Sciences and “Gamification: Applications and benefits”, “The Ideal working environment”, “Technic s of evaluation of website performance and quality”, “Tools & strategies for the transmission of the applications to Cloud”, and many other exceptional presentations relevant to Psychology, Education, Business Administration, Technology, Environment by Mediterranean College students and of other education institutions.