Magdalene Gougoussi holds a BSc and a PhD in Psychology (University of Sunderland, UK in cooperation with the University of Crete, Greece). The main body of her work concerns the integration of quantitative and qualitative methodologies in health psychology and consumer behaviour. She has been teaching research methods and statistics and supervising projects for more than 10 years. She is currently teaching at Mediterranean College (in cooperation with Derby University). Her areas of interest include the integration of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, work psychology and consumer behaviour. Last but not least, Magdalene Gougousi is a certified Adults’ Trainers, trained in The Principles of Adults’ Education, in Vocational Education and Training, in Designing and organization and design of teaching to adults and minors and in School and Educational Psychology.
Research interests: integration of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, work psychology and consumer behavior, educational psychology.