Mediterranean College e-Library consists of:
- The E-Services of the College Library, which are available through the MC-Class and include the ability to search books in the online list, check the availability of books at real time, reserve books (in case another user has already borrowed them) and update current borrowing without even visiting the Library.
To access the E-Library of the College enter the MC-Class.
- The digital Library of partner Universities with full access to electronic learning sources, such as:
- Databases (EBSCO, Emerald, Elsevier, etc.)
- Ε-journals
- Ε-books
- Newspapers
- Corporate reports
- Imagebanks
- Research projects
- Information & learning sources categorized according to the programme of studies (e-catalogues, books, articles, etc.)
- Study Skills Handbooks
To access the digital library of the University of Derby enter the UDo.