The Mediterranean College facilities in Athens and Thessaloniki have lending libraries and reading rooms with a plenty of constantly updated modern and classical information sources.
Today the libraries count 10,000 volumes of Greek and English books, special editions, vocabularies and reports. In a special area, there is a section for Academic Articles and Journals with current subscriptions in about 20 Greek scientific and industrial newspapers and magazines and a rich collection of selected articles from distinguished international academic journals.
In the Libraries, you may also find diploma theses of older students, study skills handbooks, access lists to public and university libraries, as well as brochures of British Universities. The Mediterranean College libraries have their own computer lab. Thus, students can search in the online library catalogue, access hundreds of installed e-books and use printing and photocopying services with the use of special cards.
The students have personal passwords to log in the digital library of the partner university, which has a subscription to most of international academic journals and a collection of thousand e-books.
Book collection is organized according to the international library standards and categorized according to the Dewey decimal system. The Mediterranean College students are assisted by the responsible librarian.
The services provided in the Library include: Information and advice centre for searching, Issue of library membership card, Use of the reading room, Borrowing books, Renewing the borrowed books, Reserving books, Online services (online search, reservation & renewal of books through the mc-class), Printing services (with a card), Photocopying services (with a card), Computer centre, Educational seminars with the use of the Library, List of Public and University Libraries.
MC e-library
All Mediterranean College students have free access to the College e-library that consists of:
- The Online Services of the College Library, which are available through the MC-Class and include search of books in the online list, real-time check of book availability, reservation of books (if loaned by another user) and renewal of the borrowed books without necessary visit to the Library.
- The Digital Library of partner Universities with full access to online learning sources, such as:
- Databases (EBSCO, Emerald, Elsevier, etc.)
- Ε-journals
- Ε-books
- Newspapers
- Company reports
- Imagebanks
- Research projects
- Information & learning sources categorized according to study programme (online lists, books, articles, etc.)
- Study Skills Handbooks
E-learning Platform
Mediterranean College Learning Platform (MC Class)
Using technology in education is a landmark in the services offered by the Mediterranean College to its students.
With their admission to the selected study programme, all students get a personal password to the e-learning platform of the Mediterranean College (MC Class).
In the pages of the “e-class” students have access to:
- Notes and other material of modules
- Multimedia educational material
- Programme regulations and various handbooks
- Class/ Exam Schedule
- Programme Administrator Announcements
- Announcements for educational and extracurricular activities
- Online library
- Class forum
- Online tests
- Drop box (page for online paper submission)
- Results of grades, absences, etc.
- Assessment questionnaires
The “e-class” ensures constant contact of students with the teaching and administrative staff of the College and every issue (information on paper grades, announcement of exam schedule etc.) is immediately addressed. Moreover, “e-class” gives students the opportunity to complement the physical presence in the class with high level online services, even when they are not at the premises of the College.
University of Derby Learning Platform (UDo)
Mediterranean College gives students online access to the e-library of the University of Derby, in order to get information from thousands of electronic books, scientific journals and databases.
Further, the students in the programmes of the University of Derby have access to the online notes of all modules, case studies, additional literature and others, exactly as they are posted on the intranet page of the University of Derby. They are also able to contact the Lecturer of each module in the central campus of the University and their fellow students there!