School of Psychology
- MSc Psychology of Addictions and Behavioural Change
- Professional Doctorate Counselling Psychology
- MSc Occupational Psychology
- MSc Forensic Psychology (with Psychotherapy)
- MSc Counselling and Psychology in Educational Settings
- MSc Applied Psychology: Health Psychology and Counselling
- MSc Applied Psychology: Clinical Psychology and Counselling
- MSc Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy

MSc Occupational Psychology
The College with the most experience in Greece in Psychology studies (1977).
Its academic content Is in accordance to the requirements of the BPS (British Psychological Society).
Suitable for psychologists and graduates of other disciplines.
Blended, flexible learning – a combination of online & on campus teaching.

Course Information
Occupational psychology brings the science of psychology to the world of work. Researching a wide variety of areas in employment, high performance, wellbeing, team performance, equality, and ethics, Occupational Psychologists provide consultancy and intervention programmes to employers and staff. You will learn to improve team performance by working with employers to create healthy and motivating working environments; using the latest research in human performance to help companies and individuals reach their potential. Teaching on this course is informed by leading-edge research, and offers opportunities toward joining the field as a critical thinking leader.
This Occupational Psychology postgraduate programme has been designed by the University of Wolverhampton, according to the Stage 1 British Psychological Society (BPS) training standards. Therefore, it covers all 8 required knowledge areas, including selection, psychological assessment, performance management, professional development, work design, and organisational change. The academic content of the programme is in accordance to the requirements of the BPS, enabling graduates to apply for membership.
The programme serves as a “bridge” for both Psychology graduates who wish to enter the field of business and organisations, as well as graduates of Business/Economics Studies who want to study human resource management from a Psychology perspective.
What you will study
Through the course and your contact with businesses and organisations, you will learn how to improve team performance by creating a healthy work environment, full of motivation. By utilising the latest research data on human performance, you will be able to offer companies and individuals you collaborate with, the opportunity to reach their maximum potential.
You will gain experience in researching and applying theoretical models to complex issues within the team environment. You will be trained in advanced concepts in Psychology, and you will have the opportunity to understand how these theories and models can be applied to various issues in the workplace and businesses, such as individual performance assessment, organisational behaviour, and leadership strategies. You will learn how to use professional development tools, develop training interventions, and oversee change management processes, considering human well-being.
The programme, apart from specialised theoretical knowledge of psychology, based on pioneering research, also develops the necessary professional skills for occupational psychologists, such as counselling, project management, and leadership.
Why choose this course
- The School of Psychology of Mediterranean College has the greatest expertise in Greece in providing university-level psychology studies.
- It is designed by the public UK University of Wolverhampton and is offered as a direct franchise programme in Greece, according to the highest quality standards.
- It follows the standards of the British Psychological Society (BPS) regarding Stage 1 training in Occupational Psychology, covering the 5 thematic areas according to BPS: Leadership, Motivation & Engagement - Well-being at Work – Work Design, Organizational Change & Development - Psychological Assessment - Learning, Training & Development.
- It gives you the opportunity to register with the BPS, pursue Level 2 training and obtain a chartered occupational psychologist status (applies to psychology graduates holding the Graduate Basis for Chartership).
- It is recognised in Greece as professionally equivalent to postgraduate degrees from Greek public Universities.
- It offers solid theoretical knowledge, based on contemporary research and critical review of the literature, while also developing practical skills in counselling & coaching, leadership, and project management.
- You will be able to formulate, design, and conduct psychological research, while respecting the code of ethics and conduct of the BPS and HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council).
- You will be able to design interventions and applications, considering the diverse needs of organisations, the existing organisational frameworks, and reliable research findings.
- It is flexible, suitable for working professionals, as it combines distance learning with on campus workshops, and professionally oriented assessments.
Course Descriptions
Conducting & Interpreting Research
In this module, students are able to gain a considerable portfolio of knowledge and skills to support them in interpreting published research in both psychology and allied fields, and in conducting their own psychological research. Students are encouraged to gain a critical understanding of the various epistemological positions taken by psychological researchers, and study the research methods concomitant with these philosophical assumptions. Students learn advanced literature searching and, through synthesis of published research, how to identify knowledge gaps and research questions. As the module proceeds, students have practice at developing such a research idea into a feasible and ethically sound research protocol. Both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis techniques are covered, the former to an advanced level. Students learn how to select, administer, and score psychometric instruments. Whilst psychometrics are taught in the research setting, their applied use is also discussed. This will include the historical development of psychometric theory. Students will be required to demonstrate competence in the administration and interpretation of tests of cognitive ability and providing verbal and written feedback. Students will also be introduced to procedures of test construction and test validation, and will be required to demonstrate an understanding of validation methodology. At the end, students will study research methodology relating to their specific courses; Counselling Psychology, Cyberpsychology, Forensic Psychology and Occupational Psychology, in order to prepare then further for the independent research project.
Issues in Work Design
This module provides an introduction and overview of contemporary issues in human factors and design of work. The module examines workplace design from a physical and psychological perspective. Students will discover some of the physical and psychological factors affecting individuals at work, and the impact these have on both workers’ attitudes and their ability to do their jobs. The implications of findings from relevant research in these areas will be assessed through a combination of seminar style lectures and practical group activities. in addition, students will be introduced to a variety of contextual and practical issues within Occupational Psychology services such as work design, individual and organisational interventions. For those studying the MSc Occupational Psychology, the module covers and assesses aspects of three of the newly redeveloped 5 areas identified by the BPS Division of Occupational Psychology required for stage one training. The knowledge areas covered are: Work Design, Organisational Change and Development, Wellbeing at Work and Applying Psychology to Work and Organisations.
Organisational Change, Leadership & Motivation
Within this module, students will be introduced to historical and contemporary theories of organisational behaviour such as motivation and engagement at work, leadership, power and organisational change. This module covers three aspects of the new revised BPS framework in Occupational Psychology including Work Design, Organisational Change and Development, Leadership, Engagement and Motivation and Applying Psychology to Work and Organisations.
Performance & Wellbeing at Work
This module provides an introduction and overview of approaches to performance management and personnel development in addition to theories and approaches to counselling and coaching in an organisational setting. This module will critically assess psychological theory and research on major issues in personnel development, performance appraisal, career development, and leaving work (redundancy/retirement). A range of career theories will be introduced as well as approaches to career development including psychological assessment. In addition, the module incorporates skills-based activities of designing appraisal systems, basic counselling and coaching skills. The module covers aspects from three of the five knowledge areas identified by the BPS Division of Occupational Psychology. The knowledge areas covered are: Wellbeing and Work, Leadership, Engagement and Motivation, and Learning, Training and Development. PLEASE NOTE: Completion of this module confers credits towards completion of Stage One training in Occupational Psychology for MSc Occupational Psychology students only.
Psychological Assessment & Training
This module provides an introduction and overview of approaches to performance management and personnel development in addition to theories and approaches to counselling and coaching in an organisational setting. This module will critically assess psychological theory and research on major issues in personnel development, performance appraisal, career development, and leaving work (redundancy/retirement). A range of career theories will be introduced as well as approaches to career development including psychological assessment. In addition, the module incorporates skills-based activities of designing appraisal systems, basic counselling and coaching skills. The module covers aspects from three of the five knowledge areas identified by the BPS Division of Occupational Psychology. The knowledge areas covered are: Wellbeing and Work, Leadership, Engagement and Motivation, and Learning, Training and Development. PLEASE NOTE: Completion of this module confers credits towards completion of Stage One training in Occupational Psychology for MSc Occupational Psychology students only.
Research Project
The research Project is an independent study module in which students will negotiate, plan, manage and execute a programme of research and analysis. In addition, students will develop skills in critical thinking, report writing and will have the opportunity to present their work in progress at the end of year research conference.
We accept applications throughout the year until all available positions are filled. As this is a unique programme in a popular field, we encourage you to submit your application early.
We offer multiple tuition payment plans and scholarships based on academic achievement, as well as professional and socioeconomic criteria.
Our master’s degrees are selected by dozens of companies each year for the training of their executives. We provide the possibility of corporate financing of your programme of study through LAEK – OAED (0.24) and offer special tuition discounts to cooperating companies or for the attendance of several employees from the same company.
Contact us today and find out about the curriculum and tuition opportunities. Our Admissions Office advisors will give you all the necessary information about the programme as well as the application and registration process.
Admission Requirements
The MSc Occupational Psychology is suitable for you, if you have a university degree in Psychology or a related field that includes a significant element of Psychology, or in Economics/Business Studies and a good level of English language proficiency.
The required level of English corresponds to IELTS 6.5 (B2 +) or equivalent. If you do not have a language proficiency certificate, you will be taking the College English Language Test.
At Mediterranean College I studied the BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology course, which offered me the necessary skills to be accepted for postgraduate studies in London (MSc Clinical Applications of Psychology – Kingston University London) and become a member of the British Psychological Society – MBPsS). Starting from scratch, the College and its outstanding academic tutors provided me the theoretical and practical background to be employed and continue to work until...
Spyros Vlaseros, BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology
I started my studies at Mediterranean College in 2008 when I followed the BSc in Psychology and Counselling course through the University of Teesside. Mediterranean College provided me with the foundation upon which I based my career. After completing the BSc, I moved to England, obtained two Master’s degrees and started working as a research assistant at the University of Teesside. I am completing now my final PhD year with...
Theodora Machaira, BSc (Hons) Psychological Sciences & Counselling
Completing the academic programme BSc in Counselling & Psychology at the Mediterranean College, I managed to register with the British Psychological Society as a Graduate Member, I have been working as an independent mental health professional with my private practice until today, Ι linked with other professionals in the Psychology and Mental Health field, I wrote two psychology books which have been officially published, and also, having an accredited (by...
Evangelos Kousiadis, BSc (Hons) Psychological Sciences & Counselling